** user=**** ** password=**** ** package=spss ** project=lis set printback=listing . * SPSS Sweden LIS 1987 : Example CAMSIS matching . get file= sw87p . * Current occ unit (nykmin's)=pocc. compute nykmin=-999 . if (pocc >= 0 ) nykmin=pocc . * Limited employment status info from ptypewk. * Mostly though have to treat as missing. compute empst=0. if (plfs=79) empst=1. add value label empst 0 "Unknown employment status" 1 "Self-employed" 2 "Employee" . variable label empst "Employment status". cro empst by psex. * Key indexing variables are nykmin and empst. sort cases by nykmin empst. temp. select if (pocc > 0). means tables=nykmin by empst . sav out= cstemp . get file="u:/camsis/csswis87.sav" . descriptives var=all. sort cases by nykmin empst. match files table=* /in=csocc /file=cstemp /in=source /by=nykmin empst. fre var=csocc source. cro csocc by source. select if (source=1). * (this removes those CAMSIS nykmin by empst values which are not * represented in the LIS sample). cro source by psex. * Current values are within gender. * also can make a cross-gender CAMSIS variable : . compute cgentcs=-999. if (psex=1) cgentcs=mcam . if (psex=2) cgentcs=fcam . descriptives var=nykmin empst cgentcs . temp. select if (pocc > 0). descriptives var= nykmin empst cgentcs . * for the 1987 dataset, we match all occs successfully with * camsis scores (unlike the 1992 and 1995 datasets). /* * Quick assessment: compare values by an education recode. * some recode of education . compute educ=peduc. ** For Sweden 87 LIS, there is no educ info. */