** user=**** ** password=**** ** package=spss ** project=lis * Slovenian LIS 1997 : Example CAMSIS matching . * Occ var index is isco88, used is pocc with submaj isco88 in 4 dig. * Slovene CAMSIS uses employment status 0 - unknown, * 1 - self-employed, 6 - employee . * CAMSIS index file used, though, comes from LES99. * To repeat for Slovenia 1999 LIS use same camsis file but change * LIS file to si99p. get file= si97p . * Current occ unit (isco88)=pocc. * Employment status info from plfs . compute empst=plfs. recode empst (2,3=1) (1=6) (else=0) . add value labels empst 0 "Unknown" 1 "Self-employed" 6 "Employee" . variable label empst "Employment status". fre var=empst. compute isco88=-999. if (pocc > 0 ) isco88=pocc . temp. select if (pocc > 0). means tables=isco88 by empst. sort cases by isco88 empst. sav out= cstemp . get file="u:/camsis/cssles99.sav" . descriptives var=all. sort cases by isco88 empst. match files table=* /in=csocc /file=cstemp /in=source /by=isco88 empst. fre var=csocc source. cro csocc by source. select if (source=1). * (this removes those occbst values which are not * represented in the LES sample). cro source by psex. * Current values are within gender. * also can make a cross-gender CAMSIS variable : . compute cgentcs=-999. if (psex=1) cgentcs=mcam. if (psex=2) cgentcs=fcam. descriptives var=isco88 empst cgentcs siops isei . temp. select if (pocc > 0). descriptives var=isco88 empst cgentcs siops isei . temp. select if (pocc > 0 & siops > 0). descriptives var=isco88 empst cgentcs siops isei . * Quick assessment : compare values by an education recode. compute educ=peduc. recode educ (1,2,3=1) (4,5=2) (6,7,8=3) (else=-9) . add value labels educ 1 "Primary or less" 2 "Intermediate" 3 "High or Degree level " -999 "Unknown". variable label educ "education categories". fre var= educ . descriptives var= educ cgentcs siops isei . temp. select if (pocc > 0 & siops > 0 & psex=1 & educ > 0). means tables= cgentcs siops isei by educ /statistics=anova. temp. select if (pocc > 0 & siops > 0 & psex=2 & educ > 0). means tables= cgentcs siops isei by educ /statistics=anova. /* For interest here are the Eta-squared statistics with education from above: Men: CAMSIS : 0.422 SIOPS : 0.393 ISEI: 0.432 Women: CAMSIS : 0.489 SIOPS : 0.470 ISEI: 0.529 */