6.1.3 Exporting LEM RC residual statistics: SPSS syntax

list file="das2.out" fixed / h1 1-3 w1 4-6 obs 7-17. * (this file has one record 
for every observed combination). sav out="mtch1.sav". data list file="fis2.out" 
fixed / expt 1-20. * (this file has one record for every conceivable combination). 
compute h1=trunc(($casenum-1)/560) + 1. compute w1=$casenum - (560 * (h1-1)). 
execute. * (those commands are just a way of assigning the appropriate {h/w}bst4 
values in order). match files file=* /file="mtch1.sav" /in=one /by=h1 w1 . select 
if (one=1). compute sresid = (obs - expt) / (expt**0.5). write out="r1u1p1resids.dat" 
/ h1 w1 (2(f5.0)) ' ' obs (f6.0) ' ' expt (f12.6) ' ' sresid (f12.4) . execute. 
sort cases by h1 w1. weight by obs. descriptives /var=sresid /statistics=mean 
stddev min max skewness kurtosis. graph /histogram=sresid. weight off. sav out="r1u1p1resids.sav" 
/keep=h1 w1 expt sresid /rename (expt sresid=rr1u4p1 srr1u4p1). 

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Last modified 14 February 2002
This document is maintained by Paul Lambert (paul.lambert@stirling.ac.uk)